Hidup Mengandalkan Yesus
'Lima Langkah' Pertobatan adalah :
1. 'Menyadari' Dosa
2.'Menyesali' Dosa
3.'Mengakui' Dosa
4.'Menyelesaikan' Dosa
5.'Meninggalkan' Dosa.
Jangan 'Cintai' Dosa tetapi 'Bencilah' Dosa ! Tuhan Membenci 'Dosa' tetapi Mencintai 'Orang Berdosa' yang 'Bertobat' ! Ambil Keputusan 'Hari ini' juga Hidup dalam Pertobatan 'Setiap Hari' !
(Lukas 13:3)
Kemurnian Hati
Kompak Bersatu
Doa yang Berkenan
Berdoa Tanpa Bekerja - itu sama dengan 'Mengemis' ! Tetapi Bekerja Tanpa Berdoa - itu sama dengan 'Perbudakan' !
Mulai hari ini Jadikan Doa sebagai 'Nafas Hidup' anda ! 'Bekerjalah' dengan disertai 'Doa' maka Hasilnya pasti penuh 'Mujizat' !
Besok Minggu dalam Ibadah Raya di Gereja datanglah dengan Doa anda kepada Tuhan !
Jangan Takut
1. Melalui 'INFORMASI yang SALAH' ! Jangan mudah Percaya kepada 'Gosip' dan 'Kabar Burung' !
2. Melalui 'PIKIRAN NEGATIF' kita sendiri ! Apakah semua yang anda Takutkan selama ini benar-benar Terjadi ? 'Tidak Bukan' ! Berpikirlah 'Positif' selalu ! Ingat 'Lambang Salib' adalah 'Positif' !
Percayalah bahwa 'Penyertaan Tuhan' Sempurna ! 'Usir' semua Ketakutan anda hari ini ! Milikilah 'Iman' dan 'Rasa Aman' didalam Yesus !
Kasih Mula-Mula
(Wah 2:4-5)
'Kejatuhan' Tidak hanya tentang 'Perzinahan' maupun 'Kemurtadan' ! Ketika anda sedang Meninggalkan 'Kasih Mula-mula' kepada Tuhan - itu juga termasuk 'Dosa' yang Serius ! Apakah Kasih anda kepada Tuhan hari ini sedang 'Padam' dan 'Merosot' ? Jika 'Ya' itu berarti anda telah Meninggalkan Kasih Mula-mula ! Itu Serius diMata Tuhan !
Cara Pemulihannya : 'Bertobat' dan 'Lakukan Kembali' Apa yang anda lakukan saat Jatuh Cinta kepada Tuhan ! Kembali Rajin Baca Alkitab ! Rajin Berdoa ! Rajin Beribadah ! Rajin Melayani ! Maka Kasih anda kepada Tuhan akan Kembali 'Menyala-nyala' !
Internet Connection Melalui Handphone
Disini akan saya bagikan tentang cara menggunakan handphone sebagai modem laptop sehingga anda dapat mendapatkan koneksi internet dimanapun berada. Blog ini saya tulis untuk pembaca yang tinggal di USA.
Yang dibutuhkan:
- Handphone (cellphone) : Disini saya akan memakai Nokia N95 sebagai contoh
- Provider T-mobile dan service T-mobile web (tzones) $5.99 anda tidak perlu berlangganan T-mobile total internet seharga $ 19.99 karena dengan 6 dollar saja anda sudah dapat menggunakannya.
- Tentu saja sebuah PC atau Laptop. Saya memakai Laptop dengan windows vista sebagai OS-nya.
- USB cable untuk koneksi dari handpone ke computer.
Pertama (Cellphone dan provider) :
- Pastikan anda memiliki Tmobile sebagai provider anda. (untuk provider lain saya akan bahas di kemudian hari)
- Tambahkan service T-mobile web dalam plan anda. (anda bisa telpon ke customer service t-mobile di 1-800-937-8997 atau 611 dari handphone tmobile anda; atau anda bisa langsung login ke http://www.tmobile.com/)
- Pastikan yang anda submit adalah T-mobile web dengan harga $ 5.99
Kedua (Cellphone Configuration):
- Ini adalah konfigurasi dari acces point secara manual.
- Menu>>Tools>>Settings>>Connection>>Access point
- Klik option>>new access point
Connection name : t-zones
Data bearer : Packet data
Access point name : wap.voicestream.com
User name : Nokia
Prompt password : No
Password : Kosong
Authentication : Normal
Homepage : http://wap.myvoicestream.com/
- Anda belum selesai klik options>>advanced settings
Network type : IPv4
Phone IP address : Automatic
DNS address : Automatic
Proxy server address :
Proxy port number : 8080
- Untuk konfigurasi secara automatic atau untuk pengguna handphone lain silahkan klik di http://www.tmobile.com/ dan search wireless configurator.
Ketiga (Modem configuration)
- Pasikan anda telah menginstall nokia PC suite untuk pengguna handphone nokia. Anda bisa mendownloadnya secara gratis di http://www.nokiausa.com/
- Hubungkan handphone anda melalui USB cable (saran saya daripada menggunakan Bluetooth)
- Pastikan handphone anda telah terconnect dan driver telah terinstall pada laptop anda.
- Klik start>>control panel>>phone and modem options
- Klik pada tabs modems dan pilih modem anda (milik saya adalah Nokia N95 USb modem)
- Klik properties pada modem anda
- Change settings
- Pada tabs advance, Extra initialation commands: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","wap.voicestream.com"
- Klik OK
- Klik properties pada modem anda
- Jika anda telah meng-install Nokia PC suite buka application nokia PC suite dan klik connect to the internet
- Pada one touch access menu klik settings
- Select modem : N95 USB modem
- Select network operator : Configure the connection manually
- Configure the connection: Access Point: wap.voicestream.com
- Tinggalkan lainnya kosong
- Klik OK
- Pada menu utama one touch access klik connect
- Pada one touch access menu klik settings
- Jika anda gagal unuk meng-connect atau anda menggunakan type handphone yang lain silahkan menuju ke bagian kelima (pengecualian)
Keempat (Browser configuration):
- Saya menyarankan anda menggunakan Mozilla firefox disini. Anda bisa mendownloadnya di website Mozilla. (www.mozilla.com/firefox)
- Klik tabs tools>>Options
- Advanced>>network
- Klik settings pada Connection
- Pilh Manual Proxy configuration
- HTTP proxy :
- Port : 8080
- Klik OK
- HTTP proxy :
Kelima (Pengecualian):
- Klik start>>control panel>>network connection
- Create a new connection (manual connection dial-up modem)
- Setup dial-up modem connection:
- Start>>Connect to
- Setup a connection or network
- Setup dial up connection
- Which modem do you want to use ? Nokia N95 USB modem (atau modem lain pada handphone dengan jenis lain) lalu klik next
- Dial-up phone number : *99***1#
- User name dan password biarkan kosong.
- Lalu klik connect
- Start>>Connect to
Selesai. Anda kini dapat browse internet dimanapun anda berada selama anda bisa mendapat sinyal Tmobile. Daripada anda harus mencari wi-fi connection yang langka atau anda harus membayar untuk itu kini anda dapat menikmati layanan internet tanpa batas dengan hanya membayar $5.99 per bulan. Enjoy.
PS: Saya sarankan untuk memakai firefox khusus untuk browse ketika anda memakai koneksi ini dan menggunakan internet explorer untuk koneksi normal.
Iri Hati
Sobat, mulai hari ini Buang semua perasaan 'IRI HATI' terhadap orang lain ! 'Mengucap Syukur' terhadap Apapun yang sudah Tuhan beri ! Jalankan dengan Setia 'Jatah' yang telah Tuhan Percayakan ! Niscaya akan terjadi 'Pelipatgandaan' didalam Hidup anda ! '
Keluaran 20 : 4 – 6
Ternyata apa yang kita lakukan hari ini, itu sama dengan kita yang sedang mewariskan berkat / kutuk bagi anak cucu kita
Jika hidup kacau berarti sama dengan kita sedang meng ” investasikan ” kutuk kepada keturunan kita
Jadi berhati-hatilah dalam kehidupan kita, jangan sembrono / sembarangan dalam menjalani kehidupan ini baik itu perbuatan dan perkataan kita karena itu berdampak kepada keturunan kita sampai kepada keturunan ketiga dan ke empat
Di dalam Alkitab ada tiga orang pria yang mewariskan kutuk generasi :
1. DAUD ( 2 Samuel 11 : 1 – 5 )
Daud hidup di dalam perzinahan
Memang bila orang berbuat zinah kemudian bertobat Tuhan pasti memulihkan dan mengampuni, namun kutuk itu tetap harus di tanggung !!
Bagaimana supaya dapat mengalahkan perzinahan :
a. Matius 5 : 8 Kesucian harus di mulai dari hati kita terlebih dahulu sucikan hatimu dengan Firman Allah
b. Matius 5 : 27 – 29 Kita harus tegas terhadap apa yang kita lihat ingat mata merupakan jendela dari perzinahan
c. 1 Tesalonika 4 : 3 – 5 kita harus menjauhi percabulan
2. KAIN ( Kejadian 4 : 5 – 12 )
Kain hidup di dalam kemarahan yang tidak terkendali
Akibatnya Kain di kutuk oleh Tuhan dan hidupnya jauh dari berkat
Bagaimana supaya dapat mengalahkan kemarahan :
a. Amsal 14 : 29, Amsal 19 : 19 Sadari bahwa kemarahan hanya akan merugikan diri kita sendiri
b. Amsal 16 : 32 Kemarahan tidak boleh kita umbar, tetap;i harus dapat kita kuasai
c. Yesaya 11 : 2 mintalah Roh Kudus ” Roh Pengertian ” agar kita bisa ’memahami’ orang yang membuat kita jengkel
3. SAUL ( 1 Samuel 15 : 22 – 23 )
Saul hidup dalam pemberontakan kepada Tuhan
Bagaimana supaya dapat mengalahkan pemberontakan :
a. 1 Petrus 1 : 14 paksakan diri untuk ’mentaati’ perintah Tuhan
b. Ulangan 28 : 1 – 2 Sadari bahwa ketaatan selalu menghasilkan berkat
c. 1 Korintus 16 : 14 Taati perintah Tuhan bukan karena terpaksa, tetapi karena cinta
Semangat Hidup
Buang semua 'Kekecewaan' ; 'Kemarahan' dan 'Pengalaman Masa Lalu' yang membuat anda Patah Semangat ! 'Bangkit' dan Tetaplah 'Bersemangat' ! Anda pasti dapat 'Menanggung' Persoalan Apapun dan Keluar sebagai 'Pemenang' !
(Ams 18:14)
Perbesar kapasitas
(Ams 22:29)
Jangan pernah Berhenti untuk 'Belajar' ! Jangan berpikir 'Sudah Cukup' dalam soal Belajar ! Niscaya Tuhan akan 'Mengangkat' anda untuk Berdiri dihadapan raja-raja !
The surroundings seemed the same. The house, the workshop, and the beauty parlor where my grandmother cut hair were all left untouched. Yet something was definitely different. Both of my grandparents were now gone, and as I stood in their yard, a deeper realization of death came over me.
Within three weeks, my vibrant ninety-two-year-old "Paw Paw" went from driving a car and leading a fairly normal life to passing into the next. The start reality was that he took nothing with him—nothing except his faith in Jesus. Thankfully, thirty-five years earlier, he had asked God to forgive him of his sins and had invited Jesus to come live in his heart. It was at that point he passed from death into life and became a beneficiary of the hope of Christ's resurrection (see John 5:24)
As good as my grandfather was before he accepted Jesus, he was still a sinner who needed God's mercy, grace, and forgiveness. All his good works could not erase the wrongs he had done; he could never be good enough on his own to win God's favor and get back in right relationship with Him. And the same is true for you and me. Yet, that's not the end of the story! God did not leave us without hope, lost in our sin.
"For the wages for sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."
--Roman 6:23 NLT
Romans 3:23-24 in The Message Bible puts it plainly: …We are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, {so} God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear.
As we celebrate Easter, we might ask, "Why did Jesus need to die such a hideous death?" He died on the cross to pay price for our sins. Isaiah 53:4-5 declares that …it was our pains he carried-our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed (The Message)
God is holy—pure, spotless, and without sin. Nothing and no one stained with sin can enter His presence. Through Adam, the first man, sin entered the world (see Romans 5:12-19). The only way we can be restored into right relationship with God and be able to enter His presence again is to have our sins removed from us. We cannot do this in our own strength, so God, Himself, came to earth in the form of man as Jesus and paid the wages for our sins. He was gruesomely crucified and shed His life's blood to cover the cost for our sins. …For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness (Hebrew 9:22 NLT).
"…Each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment."
--Hebrews 9:27 NLT
Like my Paw-Paw, and many of our loved ones, all of us will one day die .We will leave every material possession we have. The question is, what will become of you afterwards? Eternity is a long time to spend with a wrong decision. Make the right decision now…behold, now is the accepted tie; behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV). If you don't know Jesus personally…. If you have never asked God to forgive you of your sins and invited Jesus, His Son, to come and live in your heart, I invite you to take a moment and do it now. Just say…
"Father God, I come to you just as I am. I've done many things wrong, and I'm a sinner. I ask You to forgive me of everything wrong I've ever done, and wash me clean. Jesus, I believe You are God's Son. Thank You for coming and dying in my place, for my sins. Come and live in my heart. Show me how to live. I need you to lead my life, and I want You to be my best friend .Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayer and forgiving my sins. In the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen."
Article by: Vincent M. Newfield.
Founder of Prepare the Way.
Edited by: Angeline Xie.
day 47 - rajawali
'FirmanMu itu pelita bagi kakiku dan terang bagi jalanku' (Maz 119:105) hambaNya Pdt Lukas Kusuma.
Letting go of the past
My mom and I had a really tough time getting along as a I grew up. I felt like she was constantly out to get me, that I was punished worse than my brothers and sisters, and that she deliberately said things to make me feel low. I grew up feeling so much hate toward my mom, and I didn't have any idea how to get rid of it.
After I gave my life to the Lord, He began to deal with me about my mom. I had to change the way I felt toward her. God spoke to my heart that I had to forgive my mom, but I had no idea how. What you are bout to read is exactly the process God took me through to forgive her and believe me, it works! God has the power to heal your memories.
Memorize Scripture
You have to be ready to do warfare if you really want to get rid of your pain. The way you fight this war is with God's Word. The devil has been cramming guilt and condenation down your throat for years. Not it's time to cram some TRUTH in your heart concerning forgiveness.
Find scriptures on forgiveness and write them down on index cards and take them with you everywhere. Meditate on them until you are saying them in your sleep. Matthew 6:14, Mark 11:25, and Luke 6:37 will get you started on your path to forgivenss.
Make a Decision to Forgive
Forgiveness is not a feeling. You will never wake up one day and think, Boy, I fell like forgiving today! Our natural human tendency is to never forgive. The one who hurt you deserve for you to be very angry with him. No one is arguing with that. The whole idea is that you give up your right to strike back.
You cannot wait for God to tell you to forgive; He has already told you that you have to forgive (see Matthew 6:14-15). It doesn't depend on the other person's repentant heart. You must forgive even if he never admits he did anything wrong. And it doesn't matter if you will never see him again. You can forgive him without seeing him. Forgiveness is between you and God.
One you maek the decision to forgive, the heaviness begins to lift off your life! A miracle happens in your heart! Remember Stephen? As he was being stoned, he said, "…'Lord, do not hold this sin against them'…" (Acts 7:60 NIV) Wow! Right in the middle of the stoning, he made a decision to forgive the very men who were killing him. You can decide right in the midst of people persecuting you to let go of it, with Jesus' power.
Fight the Battle in Your Mind
Now you have made the decision and prayed the prayer, but the battle isn't over yet. You will not necessarily feel any overwhelming love for the person you fargave rith away. You may have a tendency to think, I don't feel any differently about the person or about my pain, so I guess I didn't really forgive him. WRONG!
If you made the decision, then you have forgiven. The devil will trey to trick you into feeling condemned and confused. It is important to remember the date and time you prayed and forgave, so you can remind the devil and remind yourself what you chose to do. As you continue to do this, you will begin to feel less and less pain.
One last not: If you have been involved in sexual abuse, you should confide in your pastor or a qualified Christian counselor. It is imperative that you have someone help you work thorugh these forgiveness issues, especially before you get married. It will keep you from many years of grief and marital struggles if you will take the time to do this now.
Your healing can begin today; it all starts with your decision to forgive.
Many teenagers made a similar decision at our Acquire the Fire youth events this past spring. God is desperately looking for a generation that is willing to stand up for Christina values and principles and lead a generation to the truth. It starts as we all decide to forgive those who have hurt us.
President and founder of Teen Mania Ministries