I Love You

Joy Faraknimella

Nih album yang dibuat oleh Joy Faraknimella. She is Pst Victor Faraknimella's daughter. Pst Victor melayani Tuhan di Netherland (Belanda). Denger punya denger nih album tercipta dari kerinduan Joy saat she went to an orphanage(panti asuhan) ketika Pst Victor pelayanan di Menado. Orphanage ini menampung anak-anak korban dari kerusuhan. At that time she prayed to the Lord, supposed He bless her, she will bless this kids. Then, ada tawaran untuk membuat album rekaman. nah, joy yang mempunyai suara emas ini pun menyanggupinya. hasil dari penjualan album ini seluruhnya digunakan untuk mendanai orphanage tersebut. Hmm... What a passion... She is so young, 14 years old, yet she has a great passion... yuk rame-rame dukung dia. Beli CDnya donk. Since Pst Victor cuma bawa 10 CDs, most of us in Philadelphia cant get i. so, i uploaded this for you guys. But sorry, no downloading. hehehe... Dengerin aja disini yah. Tonight, REBORN team will try to interview her. Nanti hasil interviewnya will be posted here. Cya tonight after the interview guys...

added on 11:02 PM
Dude, i met her. she sang at the third service today. she is so young, yet her voice is like an adult. Her voice is so awesome. persis banget ama yang di CDnya. emang sih kita belum sempet interview dia karena tadi anyak bgt yang ajak foto-foto ama dia jadinya ga sempet. we got her email though. we promise you guys, we will email and after that we will post it. okay.